he had something different in his head.
This is how he walked out in the parade
The cutest 2 1/2 year old class
Can you believe God is letting me have another boy?
This is how he walked out in the parade
The cutest 2 1/2 year old class
Can you believe God is letting me have another boy?
I mean, look how handsome my husband and first son are.
Nana with H. Harrison's teacher thinks they look just alike.
Yesterday we got to celebrate All Saints Day at Harrison's school. They had a parade with all of the classes. They told us if we arrive one minute late, that we would miss it. They definitely were not lying. Harrison's class was super cute and so was he...even though he didn't do any of what he was supposed to do. He just stood up there with his fingers in his mouth. I think he had a bit of stage fright. Afterwards, we had a party inside his classroom where, hold your knickers everyone, I helped to provide snacks and treat bags. I know, people might start thinking I have some domestic ability if I keep this up. Truth be told, I signed up to help with this party because I know in about two months, I won't have the energy to help with anything.