When I say "mush," I mean emotionally, not physically...though, it may do that too. Today I was reading to Harrison just before his nap. I was reading the book, Love You Forever. These days, reading to Harrison is a challenge because he wants to put the book in his mouth and he can't understand why I keep on turning the pages. Today when I was reading, I got a little choked up, and one thing led to another and I was weeping (the book really is sweet). Harrison looked up at me, stopped trying to shove the book in his mouth, and just rested his head on my shoulder, while letting me finish reading the book without trying to interfere. I couldn't stop crying either. I think I was just overcome by motherhood and this book just reiterated how much I love my son. Anyway, I know this is super-cheesy, but I just loved the moment that I had with Harrison today. This is one of the moments that I will bottle up in my heart for many more years.
I could never get through that book without crying. It gets harder to read as you get older, because the emotions and the experiences become more and more real. There is nothing like being a mother, cherish every moment you will feel them for a life time.
It does I agree. It only makes you mushier (in all forms!) as they get older and can say, "dub ou (love you)mommy daddy". And when you say their prayers with them at night and listen to who they pray for. It is the sweetest, most challenging, most rewarding, most life changing thing! As exhausting as it is, I wouldnt change a thing. Harrison is just too cute.
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