Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Decorating Pressure

Pretty much, since we have moved in to the house, I have been a little overwhelmed by the amount of decorating that needs to take place (maybe more overwhelmed by the money it takes to do it). But one area of the house that I had written off is the upstairs. There are two bedrooms, a full bathroom, and a loft-type room. I thought, Harrison is the only one going up here, I don't need to worry about it. But now that we know the second bedroom will belong to boy #2, I feel like I need to get busy working on the boys' domain (formerly known as "upstairs"). I mean, if you could see the wallpaper in the bathroom up there, you might croak. I know what you are thinking (well, at least my mom is thinking it), "the new baby won't care. It doesn't matter." And you are exactly right. But I care. I want to get it completed. I like to complete tasks. Well, not all tasks. But in this instance, I do. I made a promise to myself that I would not begin to arrange the nursery until I figured out what in the world I am going to do with H's room. Before we moved in, I had this vision of an "Extreme Home Makeover" moment when Harrison opened the door to his room the first time. Well, that didn't happen. Other than moving to a big boy bed and buying new bedding, this room remains largely untouched. The paint is still the same. There isn't anything on the walls. It is sad. He doesn't care. But again, I do. So I came across this bed yesterday on a website and I absolutely love it for Harrison. We already have two twin beds, but they are without a headboard. I promised myself I would be creative with his head board, but I just couldn't find inspiration...until I saw this. I will admit, I first checked to see if I could even buy it and I couldn't find it. So, I thought, "I can make this." All I need is PVC piping and some rope. I told Adam (with a huge hope that his engineering degree would save the day) and he said, "I have no idea how you are going to make it. How would you get the rope to adhere to the PVC pipe. And why would you use PVC pipe?" I thought PVC pipe and duct tape solved all problems but apparently not. And I was hoping he was going to answer the questions that he asked me. Not so much. So, if anyone out there has any idea on how to construct this headboard, please let me know. And I would've put a picture on here, but I couldn't figure it out.


Leah said...

Ill ask Neil. He builds things all the time. And really cute headboard too!

Mark and Lindsay said...

I am sure you are aware that I would feel the need to respond to this. You could absolutely do this - all you need is a trip to Lowes and you would be half way there. If you don't have one, you need to get a glue gun (it will become your best friend). Use the glue gun to periodically secure the rope and then just wrap tightly. I also recently found some really cool wide burlap trip at Walmart of all places. Let's talk.

The Brantley Boys said...

Lindsay, I was actually going to be mad if you didn't respond. In fact, I may have targeted you with this post. What would you use for the actual frame?

Unknown said...

Karl can make any furniture he can see a picture of.

The Brantley Boys said...

Well, mom, would you ask him if he would be interested in making two twin headboards that look like this. I'd be happy to pay him.

Allyn said...

I can relate about the decorating pressure! And I don't think it would be too hard - you could totally wrap pvc pipe in rope and use a hot glue gun like Lindsay said. Adam's handy, right?! ;)