Sunday, June 5, 2011

End of the Year Blues

Harrison is no longer going to be the youngest kid at school. We switched schools after last year and all this year, he has been in the youngest class. Now, he is moving up. The thought of my child not being the youngest is weird. In my mind, he is still the fragile two year-old that entered last fall. When he first started school, his words were still hard to understand and he seemed desperately shy. But the fact is, he is a different boy today from last August. He is growing up. He has made friends that I know he will have for a lifetime, which makes me so excited. And when his little brother made his way into the world this year, for two months, Harrison would exclaim upon entering his class "hey baby brother, Fisher, is here. Do you want to see him?" I love that he has learned the Lord's Prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, and so many other things. I also love that any teacher he comes into contact with tells me just how sweet Harrison Brantley is. And he is sweet. I love that he has learned about God's love for him. I love that at school he learned that Jesus died so we could live a full life. I love that I can already see the compassionate and "includer" side of him. Sweet Harrison, your daddy and I are so proud of you. We thank our Lord everyday for the joy you bring to our lives. We pray that you are going to be a leader among your buddies at school, and that you continue to love with gentleness and compassion.

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