He is so proud of his walking-skills. I'm thankful he wasn't an early walker.
Still so proud of walking
I haven't been able to get him to wear sunglasses until today.
They are his walking goggles.
I'm sure he would take them to bed with him if he could.
This is what happens when you wiggle away from mom
mid-diaper change.
Harrison is getting into everything these days. This is presenting a problem since I am trying to pack up our house. I don't know why I wanted him to walk so badly. We aren't even a week into it and he is walking around like he is the big man on campus.
I must say I don't envy you trying to pack up with a baby into everything :) We keep encouraging Elliot to crawl and the whole time I am thinking "why am I doing this"
So glad y'all got the store!
Harrison wore sunglasses when he was here last week. In fact, he wore two pairs. He kept putting them off and on, off and on. When he put them on, they ended up at various places and in various positions. Sometimes on his head, sometimes covering his eyes, sometimes sideways over one eye, etc. He was hilarious!
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